optimizely visual editor

Optimizely Visual Editor

The Optimizely visual editor makes creating a user friendly website simple. A good user experience (UX) on your website can be the key to success. Continuous improvement is key, and one of the most powerful ways to achieve this is through web experimentation. This is where Optimizely experiments come into play.

Understanding Experimentation

Website experimentation involves testing different versions of your web pages to determine which one performs better in terms of specific metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, or user engagement. The most common form of experimentation is A/B testing, where two variants are compared to see which one yields better results.

Website experimentation enables data-driven decision-making. It helps organisations to optimise their websites based on actual user behaviour rather than intuition or guesswork. This leads to more effective marketing strategies, improved user experiences, and ultimately, conversion rate optimisation (cro).

Optimizely and Experimentation

Optimizely is a leading digital experience platform that provides powerful tools for experimentation and personalisation. It allows organisations to create and run A/B tests, multivariate tests, and Optimizely personalisation campaigns seamlessly. 

There are a number of different Optimizely Products, including two different experimentation packages:

Feature Experimentation 

Feature Experimentation is geared towards backend feature rollouts and functionality testing. It allows developers to deploy new features progressively and safely using feature flags. This means teams can target specific user segments or perform gradual rollouts, reducing the risk of introducing bugs or negative user experiences. Feature Experimentation supports A/B testing of new functionalities and helps in making data-driven decisions about feature rollouts and product development. By enabling quick rollbacks and real-time adjustments, it provides a robust way to manage the deployment of new features, ensuring that only the best-performing features are fully launched to all users. 

Web Experimentation

Web Experimentation focuses on testing and optimising different elements of a website’s user interface and user experience. This tool is ideal for A/B and multivariate testing of visual changes like layout, design, or content. It allows marketers, designers, and product teams to experiment with different versions of web pages and measure which variations yield better user engagement, conversion rates, or other key metrics.

One of the standout features of Optimizely experimentation is the intuitive Optimizely visual editor, a user-friendly tool that empowers marketers, designers, and developers to make changes to web pages and run experiments without needing extensive coding knowledge. Organisations can refine their web presence based on data-driven insights without the need for a web development team.

Features of the Optimizely Visual Editor

The Optimizely visual editor is designed to make web experimentation accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. Here are some of the key features that make this tool great:

1. Intuitive Interface

The visual editor boasts a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to create and modify experiments. Users can select elements on the webpage, such as text, images, buttons, and more, and make changes directly within the editor. This WYSIWYG approach ensures that users can see exactly how their changes will look in real-time.

2. No Coding Required

One of the biggest advantages of the visual editor is that it eliminates the need for coding skills. While traditional web experimentation tools often require significant technical knowledge, Optimizely’s visual editor allows anyone to create and run experiments. This democratises the experimentation process, enabling teams across an organisation to contribute to optimisation efforts.

3. Comprehensive Testing Options

The visual editor supports a wide range of testing options, from simple A/B tests to more complex multivariate tests. Users can create different versions of a web page, specify the audience segments for each variant, and set goals to measure the performance of each variant. This flexibility allows for comprehensive testing of different elements and combinations.

4. Real-Time Collaboration

Optimizely facilitates collaboration by allowing multiple team members to work on experiments simultaneously. Changes made by one user are instantly visible to others, ensuring that everyone stays on the same page. This collaborative environment streamlines the experimentation process and accelerates decision-making.

5. Integration with Analytics

The visual editor seamlessly integrates with analytics platforms such as Google Analytics, or can be pulled through to the Optimizely Analytics platform allowing users to track the performance of their experiments in detail. This integration provides deeper insights into user behaviour and helps identify areas for further optimisation.

Benefits of Using the Optimizely visual editor

The Optimizely visual editor offers a lot of benefits that can significantly enhance your web optimisation efforts. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Empowering Non-Technical Teams

By removing the need for coding skills, the visual editor empowers non-technical teams such as marketers and designers to take an active role in web experimentation. This means that more ideas can be tested, leading to faster and more diverse optimisation efforts.

2. Speed and Efficiency

The intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality of the visual editor significantly speeds up the experimentation process. Changes can be made and tested quickly, allowing organisations to iterate and optimise their web pages at a much faster pace. This agility is crucial where user preferences and market conditions can change rapidly.

3. Cost-Effective Optimisation

By enabling non-technical teams to run experiments, the visual editor reduces the reliance on developers, who can often be a scarce and expensive resource. This cost-effective approach to optimisation ensures that organisations can maximise their ROI from web experimentation efforts.

4. Improved User Experience

With the ability to test and optimise various elements of a web page, organisations can create a more engaging and user-friendly experience. The visual editor allows for continuous refinement based on actual user behaviour, leading to a website that better meets the needs and preferences of its audience.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making

The integration with analytics platforms ensures that all experimentation efforts are backed by data. This data-driven approach allows organisations to make informed decisions based on real-world user behaviour, rather than relying on assumptions or guesswork. This leads to more effective and impactful changes. 

6. Increased Conversion Rates

Ultimately, the goal of web experimentation is web conversion optimisation. By testing and optimising different elements of a web page, organisations can identify the most effective strategies for driving conversions. The visual editor makes it easy to achieve this goal.

Getting Started with the Optimizely visual editor

The Optimizely visual editor is a powerful tool that makes website experimentation accessible to everyone. Its intuitive interface, comprehensive testing options, and integration with analytics platforms provide organisations with the tools they need to optimise their websites effectively. By empowering non-technical teams, speeding up the experimentation process, and enabling data-driven decision-making, the visual editor helps organisations create engaging, user-friendly websites that drive conversions and improve the overall user experience.

As the leading Optimizely gold partner in the UK, Ultimedia brings over 20 years of expertise in crafting and refining digital experiences for global companies. Our team of specialists including a world-leading Optimizely MVP, understand that each organisation has its unique requirements. We are eager to help you build your Optimizely platform.
Contact us today to start your digital transformation journey that will revolutionise your business operations.

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