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Law Firm Marketing & Digital Maturity

The legal sector has historically been slow to innovate digitally. The pandemic was quick to highlight sectors and specific organisations that were out of touch and digitally immature. The series of lockdowns acted as a catalyst for digital transformation in the legal sector, with over 50% of firms saying that their use of technology increased since the start of 2020.

Why law firm marketing needs a digital revolution

The American Bar Association revealed that almost two-thirds of law firms aren’t implementing critical aspects of digital to keep data protected and secure, and yet law firms are still slow to implement digital-first approaches. The sector continues to be held back by traditional practices which risk firms falling behind and losing competitive advantage in a digital era.

There is a huge appetite for legal knowledge via digital channels. Modern audiences expect the law firms that they engage with to be accessible to them at their fingertips, just as any other organisation that they engage with is. There are over half a million law-related online searches globally daily according to Google signalling that legal audiences; clients, key stakeholders or future employees are actively looking to engage with firms.

80% of potential clients are searching for firms online, a great opportunity for savvy firms to capitalise on. Including law firm SEO into your firm’s wider strategy can be what sets a firm apart from its competitors, boosting website traffic and client conversions.

Despite the lucrative opportunities that law firm digital marketing offers the sector, firms are slow to act and are failing to meet expectations digitally. Firms that are overlooking the value of digital transformation are risking missing out on the potential revenue that effective law firm marketing can deliver.

Download the digital effectiveness report of the global top 100 law firms hbspt.cta.load(25315303, ’82cffeee-34b2-4db9-9a24-7a51ac2e8356′, {“useNewLoader”:”true”,”region”:”eu1″});


The Digital Maturity Report

To help identify the main areas for improvement and common pitfalls within the digital effectiveness of the legal sector, we have carried out in-depth research and analysis into the digital marketing performance of the world’s top 100 law firms.

In the report, we share the results of the overall digital maturity of the top 100 law firms and their effectiveness across 10 aspects of digital marketing including:

  • Website Effectiveness (including Page Speed, Mobile Optimisation)
  • Search Marketing (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Personalisation
  • Social Media

Based on their performance across each aspect, each firm is given a score which translates into their overall digital maturity score. We were then able to rank the top 100 firms from the most to least digitally effective.

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